M-1 Carbine Buttstock Pouch, new


M-1 carbine buttstock pouch in new unissued mint condition. Extremely rare to find this type anymore! All dated 1943 in O.D. #3 in color. A lighter tan than the typical OD #7. These m1 carbine buttstock magazine clip pouches are from various manufacturers and they are the real deal

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M-1 carbine buttstock pouch

from the 1940’s It is the original issue 2 pocket 15 round magazine pouch that was originally meant to be worn on the belt. Because the belt slot was so big, soldiers began to slide on over the barrel and down onto the stock in order to have some extra clips very close for a quick change our. The button snap on the inside of the pouch was meant to snap the pouch onto the pistol belt so the pouch would not slide away from the front of the belt. Because of this snap, many carbines from that time period will, to this day, have a small indent into the wood stock from this snap pressing against the stock. we have heard that there was a pouch specifically designed to go over the stock, but we have yet to see one in person. Buy this with confidence. There are many reproductions out there, but this is an original issue dated 1943. all new, all mint. O.D. #3