Boonie Hats G.I. Spec R/s


We have the original military boonie hat. Full size and quality materials. R & B manufacturing have been making covers for our military for over 50 years. The quality is unparalleled.

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Our military issue boonie hats G.I. Spec R/s is one of the most popular sellers in our store for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, we are in Texas, where the sun is ever present and can be brutal and dangerous if you are not protected. Second, we have carried many other types of boonie hats in the past, but none can match the quality and generous sizing of R and B Manufacturing.  And third, we sell every type of military cover that the military has issued from Vietnam Erdl and olive drab to the present day desert, acu, marpatt,and multicam patterns. We even have some specialized camo like Atacs and x-multicam. Finally, we even carry some colors in sizes up to 8 1/4. So if you are wanting to protect yourself from the sun and even rain, then you cannot go wrong by covering your head with a full-brim boonie hat that is made right here with pride in the U.S.A.